BlindSpot for Startups: Whyline, the virtual queue

25 Settembre 2020

n the face of the outbreak of COVID-19, it is not recommended to expose yourself to crowded environments (stores, hospitals, airports, post offices) for long periods. The Whyline platform allows its users to enter a “Virtual Waiting Room” without requiring them to be present, until their turn to attend, reducing this potential risk.

With a mobile application and cloud-based software, organizations use Whyline to empower their customers by letting them schedule visits, jump the queue and be notified when to come over.

Cellulari con immagini dell'applicazione Whyline in funzione

Whyline is a completely new take on old-style queuing systems that utilizes Cloud Computing. This solution virtualizes the entire queuing process for companies and governments by allowing their customers to see the live wait-times for their destination of choice and enter the line remotely from any location.

Benefits for customers
  • Visibility on wait times calculated by Whyline dynamic algorithm.
  • Flexibility to join queues, make appointments, send/receive documents or info remotely.
  • A single place to track appointments everywhere they go.
Benefits for business
  • State-of-the-art queue management system which allows companies to control every step of their customer journey.
  • Convert waiting space into profitable areas and scale up the staff capacity using digital queueing.
  • Replace punctual interactions by real-time and adequate contact centered on individual customer preferences.

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